$ 177.00

As a gift of compassion, this special gift certificate of SGD 180.00 will sponsor the care for a group of animals (of your choice) living at ACRES Wildlife Sanctuary. Normally a year long sponsorship programme, we hope this gift will spread awareness on the plight of the illegal wildlife trade to garner more voices for the animals and through meaningful fundraising.

Please note that our online Shop includes a postage fee is $3, so the fees reflected here is $177.

Please visit our Wildlife Supporters Scheme for more details or email fundraising@acres.org.sg  for clarifications.


To gift this wildlife sponsorship to someone special, please email us the following:

  • Name on the sponsorship gift certificate:
  • One choice of animal groups: Tortoises, turtles, snakes or iguanas
  • Mailing address of recipient:

Fees paid are non-refundable. 

Click the Wildlife Supporter Scheme to choose the group of animals you want to sponsor!

Note: Due to a technical issue, we are unable to receive notifications of your purchases. Please email fundraising@acres.org.sg  with a screenshot of your confirmed payment AND purchase details. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are trying to rectify the issue to our best abilities.


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