[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]For 14 years, ACRES has been fighting animal cruelty in Asia. Animals in Singapore, and all around the world, are being pushed to their limits. And now, the ACRES’ staff will push themselves to their limits for the sake of the animals through THREE sporting events.
On July the 4th Sabrina Jabbar, who works to reduce human-macaque conflict, will be running the 42km full marathon at Sundown Marathon 2015.
And two weeks later, on July 17th, a group of animal lovers, Priscilla, Samantha, Alicia, Janet and Li Hao, together with Lionel Dorai, who fundraises for ACRES, will be climbing Mount Rinjani – scaling 3,726m over 2 days to reach the peak!
But it doesn’t stop there.
On top of that, Naomi Clark and Isabelle Tan, who work towards protecting wild dolphins in Singapore, will attempt to swim 10 km (200 laps) each in 5 hours at the end of July (details to be confirmed). There will be 4 other ACRES staff members who will be joining in to swim as well.
That’s right! We’re making it a Run-Climb-Swim July to raise funds on a different scale.
We need your help to ensure that the animals have a better tomorrow.
Together, let’s make Singapore a safe home for our animals!
(All donations are eligible to a 300% Tax Exemption. Please do provide your NRIC number)[/vc_column_text][dt_gap height=”20″][/vc_column][/vc_row]